EMR Data Archiving – TimeAcct SEMRT Viewer

TimeAcct has developed an application that meets all the needs of physicians who are looking to archive their EMR data.  It provides a, simple to use, interface that allows a doctor to lookup a patient by name, birthdate or health card number – and then displays the patient’s medical record information in a tabbed interface.   The easy to use interface, means very little training is required to use the application.

The SEMRT Archiving Viewer Application


License Fees:

The SEMRT EMR Data Archiving application does not have on-going licensing fees.  It has a one-time setup fee that includes the data base and application – all delivered on encrypted media. The actual fee depends on a few variables such as the size of the data being archived and the number of users to access the system.  However, in any case it will be significantly cheaper than archiving paper records or continuing to pay EMR licensing fees for the data retention period.

Virtual Machines

Due to how the program is designed, it is very easy to move the application and data to a Virtual Machine if you so desire.  Simply copy the application/data directory to the new environment and you will be up and running in no time – no extra configuration needed.  The creation of a VM Ware virtual machine with the archive viewer installed with your data is a service that TimeAcct can provide for physicians who would like it.

Search and Query

One of the features that sets the SEMRT viewer apart from other solutions is that ability to easily search for records that contain some text.  For example you can search for patients that have the word ‘knee’ in the chart notes or problems, or patients that have taken the drug ‘Lipitor’, etc.  You can easily export these results to programs like Excel.

Also part of the viewer is a very strong query and reporting tool that will allow you produce any report you need from the data in the archive.


The SEMRT viewer has the ability to print a patient medical record for one or many patients – and you can choose what part of it you want to print.  As well, you can choose whether you want to print it to an installed printer – or to other file formats, such as PDF.

Data Security

The archived data is held in a database that is then held on encrypted media.  This means that it is always secured from unauthorized access as long as you keep the passwords to the encrypted media secure.

Logging of Access

Every access to the program, login, log out, patient lookup, printings, etc. are all logged so that you can tell who has accessed the records and when.

Data in original format

All images and attachments are held in their original format.  This means that there is no distortion of images like can happen with PDF documents and that you can always go back and view them exactly like they were when the data was first archived.

Retention Periods & Deleting Patient Records

Another feature that sets the SEMRT viewer apart is its ability to search for and destroy patient records that have gone past their data retention periods.  The program allows you to select the retention period timeframes and then click a button to display all matching records.  You can then choose which records to delete and destroy.


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